“To succeed you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you.”

Monday, March 26, 2012


TEBOW GOES TO THE JETS- Yes, so we’ve heard, it’s only the most talked about headline in sports news right now. After Manning went to the Broncos, Tebow became Pro-choice; a free-agent. New York won the bid on Tebow and added even more hype to his name. Why all the hype? Because, the trade spiraled into a NY frenzy, aka an insane public reaction, and even team reaction—not all of it being good.

Antonio Cromartie was personally targeted for his negative response to the Tebow trade. He was quoted from Twitter saying, quite simply, “We don’t need Tebow.” Wow Cromartie, tell us how you really feel. But the Jets cornerback does have a point. The question has been raised; do the Jets really need Tim Tebow?

They already have a QB, some may argue he isn’t a very good one, but regardless another quarterback may not be what the Jets need. Cromartie’s point of view, among countless others, is that they should be building the team around Sanchez…especially since they just extended his contract another 3 years. His reasoning is to build something for Sanchez to work with. They need a team to win the east and take the division, and many fans/critics just can’t see Tebow doing that.

Others argue that Tebow may be what the Offense needs for running plays. It’s been said that Tebow was brought in for a “more mobile game to complement Sanchez’s less mobile game.” Really, rotating QBs? Okay, you’ve got my attention. I’m more than anxious to see how this is going to play out.

In other news: Tim Tebow—the Heisman-winning do-gooder, who says all the “right” things is about to make the move to The Big Apple…where people define the word attitude.

Will NY change Tebow or will the QB change New York?

-Sarah Kirk

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