“To succeed you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you.”

Monday, March 26, 2012


TEBOW GOES TO THE JETS- Yes, so we’ve heard, it’s only the most talked about headline in sports news right now. After Manning went to the Broncos, Tebow became Pro-choice; a free-agent. New York won the bid on Tebow and added even more hype to his name. Why all the hype? Because, the trade spiraled into a NY frenzy, aka an insane public reaction, and even team reaction—not all of it being good.

Antonio Cromartie was personally targeted for his negative response to the Tebow trade. He was quoted from Twitter saying, quite simply, “We don’t need Tebow.” Wow Cromartie, tell us how you really feel. But the Jets cornerback does have a point. The question has been raised; do the Jets really need Tim Tebow?

They already have a QB, some may argue he isn’t a very good one, but regardless another quarterback may not be what the Jets need. Cromartie’s point of view, among countless others, is that they should be building the team around Sanchez…especially since they just extended his contract another 3 years. His reasoning is to build something for Sanchez to work with. They need a team to win the east and take the division, and many fans/critics just can’t see Tebow doing that.

Others argue that Tebow may be what the Offense needs for running plays. It’s been said that Tebow was brought in for a “more mobile game to complement Sanchez’s less mobile game.” Really, rotating QBs? Okay, you’ve got my attention. I’m more than anxious to see how this is going to play out.

In other news: Tim Tebow—the Heisman-winning do-gooder, who says all the “right” things is about to make the move to The Big Apple…where people define the word attitude.

Will NY change Tebow or will the QB change New York?

-Sarah Kirk

Thursday, March 15, 2012


It’s that time of the year again, when college basketball takes it to a whole new level. However, in the midst of the “March Madness” fever, some athletes were spotlighted for going even further beyond their student-athlete obligations.

While everyone is busy making predictions and filling out brackets for the NCAA tournament, Buick took the time to put together a highlight reel, focusing on athletes that have remarkable stories. There were several short videos to choose from, each highlighting a specific college athlete.

Chris Duhon,- a Duke basketball player who now plays professionally. His Stand Tall Foundation works with children to encourage teamwork, commitment, discipline, and work ethic through community outreach events.
Amber Tollefson,- a former Florida State soccer player who founded the Give N Go Project. While traveling abroad, Amber was inspired by poverty-stricken children playing soccer with nothing but goals made of sticks and a coconut for a ball. She now raises money to provide equipment and raise self-esteem in Third World countries.
Tyrone Grant- played college basketball at St. Johns. He now works with inner city youth in Brooklyn, N.Y., as a mentor through his Team First program. The organization uses competitive athletics to promote responsibility and teamwork.
Jason Taylor- a University of Arizona football player who later had a career in the NFL. His Jason Taylor Foundation works to improve health care, education, and quality of life for children in southern Florida.

It’s refreshing to see that even with all of the talk of ranking and stats; there is still focus on the players and their lives outside of college athletics. It shows that they can make a difference on a team and individually in the world.

Buick is the NCAA partner of human achievement and is involved with the Final Four.

“The NCAA Final Four showcases incredible human achievement on the basketball court,” said Tony DiSalle, U.S. vice president of Buick Marketing. “With the Human Highlight Reel and our involvement with Samaritan’s Feet, Buick hopes to demonstrate the difference men and women can make away from the court, all around the world.”

-Sarah Kirk

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Columbus, Ohio--Never in my life, had I seen so much testosterone in one area! For those of you who don’t already know, the annual Arnold Sports Festival in Ohio, just passed this weekend…and I had the pleasure of attending.

The Arnold is typically known for two things. One is its muscular bodybuilders and lean fitness models that compete for one title. The other is THE EXPO, which are 700 booths promoting various trends in the industry.

There was everything from clothes, protein bars, workout equipments, free t-shirts, contests, and more. I’ve never witnessed anything else like The Expo in my life. Flex Lewis, the runner-up in the last Olympia was signing autographs at the Gaspari Nutrition booth, along with other legends from the industry.

One of the main attractions in Expo was “The Cage” which is where the pros and Universal-sponsored athletes lift and everyone can watch from around the caged off gym. They all wear “Animal” shirts, because the group of athletes is referred to as the Animal Pak. I had the honor of being inside of The Cage on Friday and Saturday with the Animal crew. 

Besides the various bodybuilding competitions and events, there was also fencing, dance, cheerleading, Zumba/Cross Fit classes, martial arts, marathons, and more! It was also crazy to see how excited the city of Columbus gets for this annual event…

It was not uncommon to pass a restaurant with a sign that read, “Arnold Fans Welcome: Special Protein-Lovers Meal.” The people of Columbus, the vibe at and around the events were truly indescribable. It was amazing to be a part of such a huge event and to see the dedication from fans of the fitness industry. I will certainly be attending again next year.

In the words of Arnold himself, “I’ll be back.”

-Sarah Kirk