“To succeed you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you.”

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Like most other people, I was at a friend's house on Sunday gathered around the television with a group of friends, anxious to see if New York would come out on top. Well they did (I'm never going to hear the end of it from Giants fans), but it was all-in-all a well-deserved win.

What  fascinates me the most about a Super Bowl win is it's ability to not only bring the team closer, but the entire city as well. As I commuted to work on Monday morning in NYC I passed people in the streets decked out in Giants attire. Strangers were high-fiving and mutual fans were re-capping the game with one another. The morning train ride had unlikely companions sharing a seat, linked together by a Giants hat.

I laughed out loud when I read a tweet that said, "Today I am going to slap every Giants fan I see on the back, because YOU played great out there and YOU deserve it." It was funny to me, because it's true. Die-hard fans tend to have the mentality that they actually played in the game. It still blows my mind to see a city so united after a major win. It just goes to show the kind of power sports can have.

At this moment I'd also like to also point out the group of guys from Middletown (my co-workers) who made the news for renting out an RV and traveling to Indianappolis to support the Giants. The televised news story featured their keg in the shower, lack of running water, and how excited the guys were to be a part of sports history. True dedication.

Today in Manhattan the Giants received a parade to celebrate their victory. When logging onto facebook it was obvious that every person who worked in NY took a break from their cubicle to watch the celebration. Whether the view was from an office window or up close in person, photos were uploaded non-stop.

Enjoy the spotlight Giants players and fans, you deffinitely earned it!

-Sarah Kirk

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